Here are some pretty funny and amazing things that I've found on the web that I'd love share with you all.
Manyland is back! ...kinda.... except it's now run by fans!
If you don't know what I'm talking about Manyland was this awesome platform chat room where you can draw every out of pixels. It used to be this huge world that went on endlessly and was 100% user generated. You can just let your imagination run wild, it's basically a game maker with no code that's massively multiplayer.
It shut down a little while ago.
It's back and it's now called Salt Free. It's still a work in progress though.
It's like playing a brand new game now since all of the old structures were lost, and it's quite an upgrade from manyland too, the object editors give you lots of new tools to make your ideas come to life and function.
In Manyland there was this system called boosts that you had to pay for with a subscription, now all boosts are free on Saltfree.
If you don't know what boosts were they were a mechanic where you could augment the world, weather, and players, in a single click of a button. Want to flip your character up side down and make them walk on their head? Roll instead of walk? Clone your character? Become invisible? Boosts lets you do it!
To make a new account it's free, just join their discord.
If you want to check out the stuff that I made when Manyland existed check out my Youtube vid.
There's this really cool stop motion cartoon that I found on the newgrounds portal it's called Butcher Blue by @somedumbtank
What really makes it stand out is that all of the action figures aren't store brand toys they were completely custom built with a 3D printer, quite frankly I've never even heard of anything like this before, it's funny and full of action.
It's about a mysterious lone robot known as Butcher Blue and his battle against this organization of evil robots called the Cog.
It feels like watching an old 90's or 80's cartoon like Gundam or Transformers. Give it a watch you won't regret it.
I've been watching a lot of SFM videos lately here's one that really stood out to me. It's about a fictional space race between countries entirely inhabited with clones of each Team Fortress 2 character class. It's super creative and absolutely hilarious.
Speaking of really silly races I'd have to say this is probably the most cartoony IRL race I've ever witnessed.
It's about this one guy that has all these wacky running inventions versus a tiny Scottish Man that has run the entire length of Africa once, it's truly the funniest race I've ever seen. It's like watching Loony Tunes.
This Guy built this amazing bike that has spheres for wheels
I've also found this hilarious youtube channel called Skeletal Spyro
the personality on this person is what keeps you returning. This person is quite a character.
She/he usually makes slide show or partially animated list videos with a really funny and wacky commentary.