In order from left to right Clippy, Flying Felisha, and Rabby. Felisha has been put off for the longest time I'm so glad to finally see her finished.
Clippy formerly known as Groomy (she's the yellow ghost), is a very sweet ghost that sometimes is obsessive
She owns a barber shop and loves to style and cut hair. She's actually an old lady but in her ghost form she looks young. She was the only decent Platformer Pest in that antisocial comic I made years ago, and she was usually their moral compass.
The orange creature is Flying Felisha she comes from Platformer Pests as well and was the lead female character.
Felisha loves to get in your head and bother you, her and Mac where matched when it came to being a menace, I can't say who was worse. She's bored 24/7 even in the most extreme circumstances, and what ever you do don't get her mad!
And last is wittle rabbit Rabby, Rabby is originally from my Sonic parody Radical Reserve she's Kyle the Racoon's best friend, they met at an illegal boot camp after being kidnapped and forced to serve there by Maul the Lion, Rabby was trained to be a medic there. She's very timid and shy. And also appeared in Platformer Pests once with Kyle.
Here's picture of Kyle if you're not familiar.
So far I have four more models left unfinished can't wait to get them finished as well.