Turbo Surge a sentient robot from a far off planet comes to protect the human race from the evil abominations from Dr.Malevoses. He's got super speed, electric fists, palm rocket launchers, and the ability to hover and cling to walls.
Turbo Surge was inspired by Toonami Tom, Mega Man (Rock Man), and Sonic too.
He can be very gritty and loves to trash talk his foes.
Jester Ted is from my old comic named Sketch it was about living drawings and their adventures in an office supply store every character wielded a giant office tool, all of the characters lacked personalities so there's not really much to Ted, at least I learned that was important when I ran out of ideas for the series.
This is Dr.Orbit a robot engineer that works in a space factory above the planet Parkour World. He builds robots for Baron Unbearable's evil army. I yet to have come up with a personality for him too. Him and Dr.Flare used to be couple.
So far that's 63 character models in total!
In other news I just got a brand new PC! Now I have enough space to finish all of the models that I've planned to make. It's got more power under the hood than my old one to boot!
I even have enough space to make new animations.
For the sake of your wallet and your sanity I highly advice not to get an HP laptop. They're cheap for a reason.
I had to repair it so many times.
And you can only download drivers if you buy their warranty.