Welcome to my cartoon universe inhabited by around 300 characters!
I make comics, 3D renders, and pixel art.
I mostly make action comedy comics.

a dude

Super artist

planet exe

Joined on 7/5/22

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Working on more backgrounds

Posted by thepixelizer - May 29th, 2024

Sorry for all of the dead air, lot's of things have been going on irl so I had no time for art. So far I've been experimenting with a more realistic look to my renders. I still have a lot to learn but at least now I have a drawing tablet so I can make my own custom textures now. Instead of just leaving things a solid blank color.

Here's the interior of Mc.Eatie's the most popular burger restaurant in Parkour World, a parody of Mc.Donalds in both shady character and unhealthiness, except Mc.Eatie's is far worse in every possible way.


It's Mac's favorite eatery (that's Mac below)


He loves their burgers so much that he's dedicated his entire life to them. After all he was named after the Big Mac lol.

Mc.Eatie's is still unfinished though.


I'm also working on Fort Unbearable the strong hold of The Bad Guys, the owner is Baron Unbearable. It's surrounded by a sea of plasma (electric gas) trust me you won't want to touch that stuff!



Here's a picture of Baron Unbearable if you were wondering.

He's bad news he can control and conjure plasma, he's the final boss of Parkour World and Mac's boss since Mac is a video game minion.


There's also the Platlands as well, one of the hang out spots of the Platformer Pests.

If you spot the pattern I'm mostly working on backgrounds from Parkour World, Since they are some of the most unique ones I've ever made.


And lastly there's the Toy Block Jungle Island home of the Tribal Guys, You can see that al lot of my characters inhabit Parkour World.

After all it is a combination of all of my video game ideas and concepts all in one planet, it's home to The Platformer Pests, Ace Flecto and his friends, The Tribal Guys, and my Sonic spoof Radical Reserve. All characters with their own comic series that I've made in the past. Platformer Pests even got a video trilogy many moons ago.

There are about ten separate islands on this huge planet so far I have four locations in the making. Most of them aren't super necessary though so I'll start with the most used and important ones first. It would be cool to see all of them one day though.

Well that's what I'm up to in Blender, in other news my YouTube videos are actually growing in views after stagnation for an entire year, it was super fun making the last one. So fun that I feel tempted to make another one.

Now I've completely changed my mind about YouTube, I had a super sore spot about them hiding my videos from everyone else, even though I clearly made them public. It's like seeing the forest for the trees. I guess their algorithm isn't impossible to overcome after all. (let's see how long that lasts)

I still have way more views on Newgrounds though, and to stick to the man I referenced Newgrounds like three time in that video. But fear not Newgrounds is still my home base. It's the only platform where I can post everything I make.



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