This is Empty Head's evil clone Dark Head, he has the exact same powers as him ,shape shifting into creatures and invisible constructs.
On one of Empty Head's adventures, he discovers a booth on the streets that can clone robots for pocket change he uses it which gives birth to Dark Head he's an imperfect clone which explains his eerie appearance, his black gems, glowing eyes, and pale skin. The model on the left is his a custom suit he designed for himself to differentiate himself from Empty Head.
The one on the right is his original form, due to his appearance people treated him like a monster which influenced him to become evil, since the cloning booth is that of a photo booth of the future the final product is super low in quality so all clones usually turn into dust in fifteen minutes.
Dark Head is no exception but like a virus he his code is rogue and can hack any cloning booth in town to regenerate after his time runs out, comically Empty Head doesn't even know that he even hates him or exists because every time Dark Head tries to attack him he runs out of time and turns into dust.